Testament or Will can not Enforcement

Section 1700 Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, persons shall dispose of any property. Acting in effect during life. Or when dead There is no requirement for the beneficiary to transfer the property. There must be a person other than the beneficiary. For those who will receive the property is strictly prohibited. In case of violation of transfer regulations.

The person who is designated as such must be able to have the right. At the time of disposal of the property is mandatory.

If not, the person who will be the receiver of the property when the violation is not transferred. The provisions of the transfer is not without.

Section 1701. The provisions of the preceding provisions of this Section shall not apply to the term or life of the beneficiary.

If no time has been set. In case the beneficiary is a natural person. It is assumed that the terms of the transfer are not valid for the lifetime of the beneficiary. In case the beneficiary is a juristic person. To be only thirty years.

If the time has not been transferred. It is not over thirty years. If it is longer than that. It is reduced to thirty years.

Section 1702 prohibits the transfer of movable property which can not be registered. It is not.

The provisions on the prohibition of transfer of immovable property or immovable property relating to immovable property shall be insufficient unless it is made in writing and registered for non-transfer to the competent official.

The provisions in the preceding paragraph. For vessels with a tonnage of five tons or more. Both rafts and animals.

Section 1703. Wills which are not full fifteen years old shall be null and void.

Section 1704 of the will which the person who was ordered by the court to make an incompetent shall be null and void.

The will of the person who was claimed to be insane. But the court has not yet ordered an adjudicator to do so. But when it proves that at the time of the testament, the operator is.

Section 1705 Wills or Wills If it is contrary to the provisions of Section 1652, 1653, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1660, 1661 or 1663, it is null and void.

Section 1706. Wills testamentary.

(1) If the testamentary is established, provided that: The beneficiary shall distribute his property by will to the testator. Or to outsiders.

(2) If the person who can not be identified is a testamentary person. However, the testamentary deed will be specific. It can be determined by having one person select multiple people. Or from one of the other groups. The testator is specified.

(3) If the property provided by the will is clearly not disclosed, it can not be known. Or if one of them is determined by how much?

Section 1707 if the testamentary wording of the testamentary testamentary is provided that the testamentary shall dispose of the testamentary property to another person. The condition is not.

Section 1708 when the testator dies. Any one interested party will request the court to revoke the will which was made for the purpose of bullying. If the testator survives more than one year after the testamentary survives There will be no such request.

Section 1709 when the testator dies. Any one interested party will request the court to revoke the will. Have made a mistake or scam. When the importance or mischief is small. If it is not so important or fraud, then the will is not done.

The provisions in the preceding paragraph shall apply even if such fraud is alleged. A person who is not a beneficiary of a will.

The testament which has been made by mistake or scam is in effect. When the testator does not withdraw the testament within a year from the knowledge of the importance or fraud.

Section 1710 of the lawsuit against the will. Do not sue after this deadline.

(1) Three months after the death of the testator. In case the plaintiff knows the reason for the request to withdraw. During which the testator lives?

(2) Three months after the plaintiff has reasonably known otherwise.

If the plaintiff does not know that there are requirements to wound his wounded interest. Although the plaintiff will know the reason for the request to withdraw it. The three months to start counting, while the plaintiff knows or should know that the will.

However, No such lawsuit shall be instituted after the death of ten years after the death of the deceased.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3444/2559.
In this case, the Court of First Instance ruled that the plaintiff did not sign the power of attorney has not filled out the message to the defendant that the second defendant falsified the power of attorney without the serious negligence of the plaintiff. The second defendant did not dispute the decision of the Court of First Instance that the defendant falsified the plaintiff's power of attorney and then used to register the sale of land disputes to the defendant by mistake and the defendant did not dispute the court. To withdraw the registration of land transactions between the defendant and the plaintiff, it would cause the result. Land Dispute Resolution by Copy of Land Sale Contract The land is not binding contract parties, that is, the defendant can not claim that he owns land dispute on behalf of the plaintiff since March 23, 1998, which is the contract date. The plaintiff is still a land dispute. When the defendant did not own a land dispute and no ownership of the land dispute from the beginning. The defendant's third mortgage land disputes from the defendant in two days, the next day is March 25, 2541, so it is not the mortgage from the owner at that time. Violation of the provisions of Section 705 as follows: the mortgage of the defendant's land dispute, so that the third defendant to raise the mortgage to fight the plaintiff's land dispute. Without regard to whether the third defendant mortgaged land disputes in good faith and pay compensation? The defendant's first registered mortgage land dispute to the third defendant is not related to the plaintiff and the defendant is not a representative of the plaintiff in the mortgage land dispute. The Court of Appeal, Section 3 of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 822, Section 821, which is a provision on the liability of the agent and the third party to the case. The plaintiff will request the revocation of the mortgage law land dispute that the third defendant has done in good faith. It was not right and when the lawsuit was heard that the defendant to land the dispute to the third defendant illegally. Therefore, there is a need to revoke the registration of mortgage land dispute between the defendant 1 and the third defendant at the Court of Appeal 3, the judge did not revoke the mortgage law. The Supreme Court disagreed. The petition of the plaintiff.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2569/2559.
The testament to the fact that these property let the dead to preserve for the descendants of the successor. Later, the deceased to make a testament to the petitioner to preserve for the descendants of the successor. It is a requirement for the will. The dead and the chorus, respectively. The message in both the will. To preserve the descendants of the successor. Condition is that the testamentary will sell the property given by will to another person, Section 1707 shall be deemed not to be. The testament to the inheritance of the will of the fall is that only one dead and the deceased will make the property to the sole claimant. The text that suffix. "To be preserved for the descendants of descendants" is a condition that does not exist. The opposition has no rights in the estate of the deceased. Case is considered the objection is not a stakeholder who has the power to file a petition to withdraw the petitioner from the estate of the deceased under Section 1727 paragraph one. The Court of Appeal 8 ruled that the will. Being a beneficiary of the inheritance, it will be heard that the objection is not a stakeholder who will have the right to request the removal of the petitioner from being a trustee. It is not a judgment outside of the matter.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1480/2559.
            Defendant 2 is the daughter of the royal family with her husband's lawful legacy, which has already died. Later inherit the husband and wife with the other three children together with the plaintiff's land title deed 468 Tambon Sanga Yala District of Yala is the property of land title deed No. 7890, which is consecutive to the next. On August 13, 1981, the land was listed for sale after the death. Inheritance of registration of inheritance of land. The land title deeds No. 468 and No. 113 on the land. The inheritance registered to the second defendant. On September 20, 2002, the estate made a testament to the intent of the property in the will. Land and house number 113 gives the defendant a second possession of the inheritance of the great grandchildren have the right to stay as a father. The sale of this estate to the other defendants and the children of the inheritance, which occurred with the other three plaintiffs, and the first defendant, brother to the estate. On November 12, 2002, the estate was dead. Court of First Instance was the first defendant to the estate on December 25, 2003, the defendant filed a transfer of land title deed No. 7890 to the defendant in accordance with the will. On October 2, 2012, the defendant No. 2 registered the sale of land title deeds. 468 with house number 113 and land title deed number 7890 to the third defendant to the land title deed no. 468 and the building number 113 2nd defendant on September 19, 2529, before the heritage to the death of the 2nd defendant as land ownership deed No. 468 and No. 113, but has been raised. The inheritance is not owned by the defendant, but the second defendant is not entitled to land title deed no. 468, home number 113, which is another person to take the testament to anyone else. The testament to the fact that raised the house number 113 to the second defendant who owns the ownership then can not enforce. The land title deed No. 7890, even if the testament to the defendant's second defendant who is the beneficiary of the transfer of property. It does not require any person but the beneficiary to be the recipient of the property to the absolute. The case must be with the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1700, paragraph three, that the transfer is not prohibited, so that when the inheritance of the will to take land title deed No. 7890 to the second defendant, then the defendant is the owner of land. I have the right to dispose of, transfer or any action on the land, the defendant has the right to transfer the land to the third defendant, the plaintiff is not entitled to sue. Do not act to revoke the land title deed No. 7890 and No. 113, according to the lawsuit.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 15201/2558.
         The will not be required for any person to inherit. Only the trustee will pay the necessary support to the named person. It does not define the person as a will. It is not clear that it can not be sure that the property to a large number of people, but the mind of the petitioner and the objections of the estate manager. It is void under Section 1706 (2) and (3) and is a law relating to public order. The Supreme Court deems it appropriate to have the power under Section 247 of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 247, and Section 246, under the provisions of Section 142 (5) even if the will is invalid under Section 1706 (2) and (3) In part, the legacy expressed intention to set up the trustee remains intact. It is not void.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 8904/2557.
Case of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 193/30 and Section 1710 is not a problem of law relating to public order that the court will raise its own judgment under Section 142 (5) The defendant must expressly declare in that statement. When the plaintiff died. Both must show the reason for the absence of the appearance of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 177, paragraph two, the defendant raised the age of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 193/30 and Section 1710 fight without lifting the age of 10 years. Section 1754 of the Court of Appeal heard the fact that when the plaintiff sued to show that the land and buildings are not vested in the defendant alone. It is a legacy of the MPs to be distributed to the heirs. The plaintiff filed a lawsuit on the death of August 30, 2001. Plaintiff sued the case on January 26, 2555 sued the plaintiff sued the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1754, then the defendant outside the lawsuit. Prohibited by the Civil Code Section 142 paragraph one.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 12430/2013.
The message under Clause 2 is about Mrs. A., the plaintiff's agreement with the plaintiff that if the pledgee sold or sold the land disputes with buildings to others. The contractor will pay 3,000,000 baht to the plaintiff immediately transfer ownership. This means selling or selling while Mrs. A. is still alive. The debt payment occurs when the ownership transfer is registered. The agreement can not be interpreted as meaning that Mrs. A made a will to sell the land to another person for disposal or sale of the land dispute. For this reason, the text follows the agreement that specified the transferee, whether he is a heir or a will. Any other person must pay a full payment of Baht 3,000,000 to the plaintiff is a separate agreement from the first. This means that the transferee, whether he is a heir or a will, or any other person, is liable to pay the debt 3,000,0000 to the plaintiff instead of Mrs. A. As a binding agreement to a third party who is not the contract. To be liable to the parties, even if the third party does not agree with it, it will not.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1237/2554.
The plaintiff's appeal. Court of First Instance judges the plaintiff to win every case, but no judgment in the land claim that the plaintiff asked the defendant to return to the plaintiff. The plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeal to resolve the verdict of the Court of First Instance by the judge in accordance with the request of all lawsuits. Appeal against the ruling of the Court of First Instance. Appeal of the plaintiff is a lawsuit. The plaintiff's lawsuit narrative on both testimony. The testimony of the two defendants was jointly forged by the will test dated March 2, 2002. The will was withdrawn by a will test dated April 2, 2002, as a lawsuit and lawsuit. The defendant did not understand the condition of the charge was not struck. The plaintiff's indictment. The prohibition of filing a petition is a restrictive provision that must be interpreted strictly. The case of the child's first child refers to a lawful child is prohibited to sue his own children under Section 1562, as the plaintiff claims. The death of the signature of the will dated 2 March 2002 by the deceased in the nature of legal acts, which is the essence of the act is void under Section 156 of the case, not a lawsuit to withdraw the will. Section 1710 is not subject to the age of 1710.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 11034/2553.
Even the Court of First Instance sets out just that issue. Do not assume that. Will the will be void? But the problem of the will is a legal problem of public order. And the plaintiff described the lawsuit. Witnesses in the testament do not know the testament to the subject of the testament to a fight. When there is such a fact in the process of consideration. The court was empowered to raise the issue that the testament is invalidated by the Civil Code Section 225 paragraph two of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656, the first paragraph prescribes the form of the will. The test taker must have at least two witnesses and the witness will be required to sign the will of the testator at that time. Therefore, the testimony of either one or both of the wills. Signature of the will without seeing the testimony during the testament. But come to sign later. I do not like the provisions of the law and the will is void immediately in accordance with Section 1705. Later, after the testimony of the will testify to the testator and the will to the will. Will testify The testament to the nullity of the will is a legally permissible testament.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 11034/2553.
The court ruled that the issue was a single issue. Will the will be fake? In addition to claiming that the will is based on a false will. The plaintiff also filed a lawsuit. The person who signed the testament was not aware of it while the sworn affidavit was signed. The will is void, both the claim of the plaintiff is considered a take out of the will to fight. The will is not applicable. The Court of First Instance will not determine the dispute. It is a problem of law relating to public order. Appeal 5 was raised by the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 225, paragraph two. Witnesses will testify in the will. But come to sign later. I do not like the Commercial Code, Section 1656, the first paragraph and the testament to void under Section 1705 immediately, even after the testimony of the will testify to the testator and the will to do. Real testament It does not result in the signing of a will or a testament that is invalidated and then signed as a legally permissible to make the will.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4397/2553.
The inheritance of the testament contains the first paragraph. All the inheritance to Mrs. Mon, Plaintiff and Mrs. Malai, and the second paragraph states that if there is anyone other than the name listed in the testament, there is no right to the property of the whole estate. Therefore, even the inheritance will not identify the heirs. The inheritance was Mr. Chulalongkorn and the defendant 1 clearly. But the inheritance of the will to sell all their inheritance to her son, Monday, the plaintiff and Mrs. Malai. It must be considered that the defendant and his heirs who do not inherit the will. Was cut to inherit the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1608, paragraph three, however, when the facts are terminated. The testament to the part of Mrs. Chan. And Mrs. Malai is not enforceable because it conflicts with Section 1653, Section 1705 is complete, only the testamentary in the plaintiff's share of the inheritance of the property to be attributed to Mrs. Chan and Mrs. Malai, which is empty. I do not apply to the legal heirs under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1620, paragraph two, Section 1699.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4698/2552.
The testimony of the city department, which was not made in front of two witnesses, is a testament to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1658 (1) will be void under Section 1705. The appointment of the trustee under the court order. The court shall, in its discretion, take into account the suitability for the benefit of the estate. Although the petitioner is not a person prohibited to be a trustee under Section 1718, but the petitioner will invalidate the waiver request to set up the trustee will make a paranoid to the objections and other heirs to the. Maintain the interests of the property to the heirs of the estate. The petitioner is not fit to be a trustee.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4823/2551.
     The will of the deceased has the message: The decease is a testament to whether the deceased died. The property of the deceased, all those who were present at the time of his death, you are the brother of the deceased. The testament to this issue is the conditions for the will. Property 1, the restoration of the relics of Wat Chai Mongkol Article 2 Renovation of a church (Wat Chai Mongkol also) Article 3 if the remainder of the above two. But how do you manage to do it anyway? It is considered that there is no one under Section 1707 Wills of the deceased to raise property to the Lord, so it is not void to enforce the law.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2510/2551.
The testament to the inheritance of all her estate to the defendant in the will. And specify the type of property that is given, whether real estate, property, including the claims of the inheritance to the debtor to the defendant. There is a message in the will. The defendant will raise property or share to anyone when the inheritance has passed. But I will see it. Such a requirement that the defendant holds ownership of the property. No inheritance. But that means. When the inheritance property to the defendant. How will the defendant continue to raise property or share it with anyone? Will not be the right of the defendant as it deems appropriate. No, the defendant is to determine all the inheritance as much as the defendant's heart, the provisions of the will is not invalid under Section 1706 (3)

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2102/2551.
The defendant with the dead eat my wife husband without marriage. Do not consider whether the property dispute is Sin Somros. The only thing that matters is whether property is bought or not. When disputed land is the land that the deceased has inherited by inheritance and by means of inheritance. It is not the property that the defendant is included. Disputed land is the property of the deceased alone.

The will of the deceased is made using the entire typewriter. Will not write a custom written in accordance with Section 1657, but the testament to the ordinary Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656, which must be witnessed. Section 1656, paragraph one, stipulates that the testator must sign. In the presence of at least two witnesses at the same time, the testimony of witnesses in the dispute will be later witnessed against the provisions. The will of the dispute will be void under section 1705.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1223/2551.
Major General N. did not sign the testimony in the military testimony, the issue is only Colonel K. witnessed only one. Waiver of military disputed by the Civil Code, Section 1656, paragraph one is void under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1705, the third defendant can not rely on military will. Any rights

All will be written as a will. Wills written in the body of the handwriting. Have a deadline for your property. The text in handwritten messages must be readable enough to understand that the person. The will to inherit the estate. The military testimony of the disputed version is a testament to military service. The death certificate of the testator is complete. The space will be provided to the testator, but only the place and date of the year. Wills with the name of the testator. The testamentary and the will of the testator. If the text is cut out to the left only the text that generals. The testamentary man writing it is not meant as a will. The doctrine of the military disputed is not a will.

The provisions of Section 1754, the third defendant raised the claim is the age of the right to claim the property that they have. The right to be granted as a heir or acquirer. But this case is that the plaintiff sued the judge that the military testament to the dispute is invalid, not the right to claim the third defendant is not subject to the provisions of the age.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 997/2549.
The testimony of the deceased in accordance with the testimony in the examination room. W.W. confirmed that while W.Was signed the testimony, the message was published and other people. Signed in the testament and the testimony before, then the testament to the testament to the witness. The testimony of the deceased person shall not be signed in the presence of A. and C. The witness shall be concurrently and A. and C. shall not sign the affidavit of the deceased person at that time. It does not comply with the will of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656, paragraph one will be invalidated under Section 1705, the petitioner is not a heir, the beneficiary will have a stake to request management. Legacy of the deceased

During the dead The deceased said to the person in the village that the 4th objection was the son of the deceased. The people in the village knew that the 4th protester was the son of the deceased. The deceased expressed his father's foster care, the fourth objection, with the deceased and sent for alimony, except when the deceased was confined to the deceased's father. The fourth person's objection and the fourth objection to foster care. The circumstance of the deceased is to the fourth objection. It is commonly known that the objections 4 is the illegitimate child of the deceased person. The fourth objection is the same as the lawful son of the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1627 is the death of one of the dead. It is possible to file a petition for the mother of the 4th objection to be the estate manager of the deceased.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3552/2550.
The estate was ordered by the court to be an incompetent from September 20, 1989. Later, the Court of Appeal ruled in favor of the Court of First Instance to revoke the order for the inheritance. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the petition. As a result, Mon. still remains incompetent. Even during the case has not reached the Court of First Instance has ordered that the e. Is a quasi-incompetent. The order that the e. Quasi-quasi-incompetent, it can not change. Withdrawal or nullification of the original court order that the court ordered the applicant to be an incompetent person. It has no effect on the status of an incompetent person under court order. By the consent of the guardian, the testimony of the city council written on March 30, 1992, at the time of the admission of the will was null and void. According to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1704.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3381/2549.
The testament to Article 2 is the requirement to raise the land to the petitioner by the land to manage it in any way to bring benefits and benefits to the founding of the foundation to set up the ownership of the land to the recipient. Wills Only the beneficiaries will benefit from the land. This will be the case after the inheritance of the will. And the inheritance is already beneficial. This requirement is not invalid under Section 1706 (3)

Will Article 3 stipulate that: Cash deposited at all banks is provided to MPs and petitioners for the purposes specified. The petitioner and MP are only the moderators. I do not own the cash to the petitioner and MPs, and it is not clear that the cash to a large number of people, it is void under Section 1706 (2) (3 )

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3045/2548.
The inheritance did not inform the message that it wished to be included in its testimony in the presence of witnesses. Two people simultaneously The testament to the city will be void under Section 1705.

A and A. Not to sign a witness at the same time as the testament to which the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656, paragraph one, that the testator must sign in front of two witnesses simultaneously, two witnesses. The signature of the testator at the time of the testament is not to be made in accordance with the form prescribed by the law. It is void under section 1705.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4001/2545.
The testament is to use Garuda branded paper and the text is typewritten. Handwriting only the house number, date, month, year of the two inheritances. And a list of testamentary The signature and fingerprints of the two inheritance. When it appears that the testament has made a letter dated the month while doing. The testator signs and fingerprints in front of two witnesses simultaneously. And the witness signed the complete signature of the testimony in accordance with the provisions of Section 1656.

The testator does not specify the descendant who was cut off the inheritance, but when the inheritance legacy sold all legacy. The heir apparent who is not benefited from the will is cut off to inherit.

The spouse of the inheritor of the will testify on behalf of the testimony of the inheritance will not be able to inherit the will. There is no law in the testament to M, but there is no law forbidding the court to listen to the testimony of T. and A. are any witnesses. The will of the petitioner remains in full force.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3979/2545.
Section 1656 of the first paragraph requires the testator to sign in front of at least two witnesses. The two witnesses must sign the testamentary signature of the testator at that time. When the testimony is not witnessed in one testament, the witness does not certify the signature of the deceased person. The will is not done in the manner prescribed by law. It is void according to Section 1705 of the estate of the deceased, so the descendants are the heirs of the deceased, as did not do the will. The petitioner has no power to request the court to set himself as the estate of the deceased.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4693/2545.
The appointment of an expert to verify the signature in the Civil Procedure Code Section 130 requires the expert to give verbal or written comments. Depending on the court. When the police lieutenant Make sure you check the signature of the dead person in the book. The comment that the signature is not fixed can not be commented on like this. The testimony of another report is not useful for the decision. The truth of the case. The Court of First Instance does not allow the appellant to file additional witnesses. It is legal to do so.

Court of First Instance sets dispute The will of the deceased is a false testament. The testament to false testament made entirely by fraud. The testament to false pretenses is not a will. The testament made by fraud is valid as a testament. However, it may be revoked by the court when a stakeholder requests it. The will is dead. In addition, the wills made by scammers are enforceable. When the testator does not revoke the will within 1 year from the date of knowing the fraud under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1709. Therefore, the issue of whether the will of the deceased is a false testament. It does not include fraudulent deception to deceive the deceased.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3776/2545.
Wills with two signatures. The date of the testament is not considered to be a testament to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656 will void under Section 1705.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1097/2544.
The testamentary document of the city must follow the form prescribed by the law. Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1658, which states: "(1) The testator must give notice of the message he wishes to include in his will. (2) The Department of the District must take note of the information that the testamentary informs. The fact is that in the testament, only the MPs enter the house to do the testament to the court, as the case has been filed. By the way, I do not know what to do. Sign in at the restaurant, even on the last page of the will. District bailiff to replace sheriff Make sure it is a note taker. The fact is it appears that the person who wrote the text is S. Although it is said that the deputy district minister in charge of the sheriff ordered the MP to help write the message. But as soon as the note is written, at least two witnesses will not testify before the testimony. This is contrary to Section 1658 and void under Section 1705.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3566 - 3567/2542.
The deceased made a testament to the land plots 1, 3, 3, land 3 and land plots 4, which is a land title deeds to both plaintiffs and Mrs. wife died in the land plot 2. Land Nos 3 is for sale to be used for funeral dead. The testament to this is not dated the year is not accurate according to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656. The will is void under Section 1705, but even the will. Mrs. E. has the right to land as a spouse under Section 1625 and 1635 (2)

The plaintiffs both occupy 1st, 3rd and 4th plots of land together with Mrs. Monk. The land is considered as their own will. And both plaintiffs have possession of land plots 2, which is considered as her own, because the plaintiff because the plaintiff paid for the funeral of the mum, although the will of her will be null and void. . It is not complete because it was not written and registered with the competent official. The land of the plaintiffs is both the possession of the intention to hold the plaintiff's property, so the two plaintiffs have possession of the dispute at the 1st and 3rd plots of land with the right to occupy the plot 2, Section 1367 of the plots of land plot 4, both plaintiffs have occupied with Mrs. Moncler, calm and openly with the intention of ownership for more than 10 years, both plaintiffs. The ownership of such land under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1382, as part of the will.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 6855/2541.
Section 31 of the Land Code It is intended that the land title holder has land. The descendants or descendants have the right to inherit the law and to protect. The land has been transferred to other people easily that the land is divided into 44263 and 42264 to the defendant. However, the land can not be transferred to the defendant under the contract. The land title deed no. 42263 has no provisions to transfer within 10 years under the Land Code Section 31, so the defendant can not apply for a permit to set up a school. So do the land title deeds No. 42263 and 42264 to the defendant by land. Sold to the defendant by the money. Land from the defendant. Later, the defendant to the land lease agreement is 10 years by the book and registered with the competent authority until the defendant is allowed. School in the land. This circumstance shows that the defendant and the defendant deliberately avoided the prohibitions of transfer. Land Code Section 31, paragraph one, when the defendant witnessed. Wills will be the testament to the ownership of the land as evidence. Applying for a school permit The show of dishonesty of the defendant. It is considered that the land title deed no. 42263 to the defendant by the will is intended to violate the law would fall. Void under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 150.

The plaintiff sued the land title deed no. 42263 and 42264 returned from the defendant when the will testament in the land title deed No. 42263 was not effective because it was void. The defendant is not a heir and the will of the deceased is cited as the age of inheritance under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1754 and 1755 to fight the plaintiff is not a legal heir. The plaintiff did not sue for the revocation of the will testament. Acted by mistake, fraud or intimidation, as provided in sections 1708 and 1709, is not subject to the age requirement under section 1710.

The defendant has the right to transfer the land title deed no. 42264 as the testimony of the plaintiff, who did not benefit from the testament, is the right. Not to inherit the land under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1608 paragraph last.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4639/2540.
When the will is required, all the property of the deceased shall be administered by the person Asset management donates the property to any charitable organization, but the estate manager will deem it obvious and know for sure. All property of the deceased must be donated to the charity only. The will is not void. According to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1706 (3), and when the deceased to do the will to raise all the property to the charitable organization must hold. The objection of the two, the heirs of the deceased, is forbidden to inherit the deceased under Section 1608. The two endorsers are not interested in the inheritance of the deceased. There is no right to request the removal of the petitioner as a trustee under Section 1727 or to request that the second trustee be appointed as trustee under Section 1713.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3579/2540.
The court ruled that The testament to the dispute is that the place of the testament is not true, the date of the year specified in the testament is suspected, the deceased has signed the will. The witness was not there at that time. The testament to the provisions of Section 1656 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code, the testament to void under Section 1705, the defendant did not appeal. The fact is terminated by the Court of First Instance that the deceased person did not sign. The testimony of the testimony before the Court of Appeal. The testament to the dispute is void or not a diagnosis, it is not like. The defendant has no right to petition in this issue later. The Supreme Court does not recognize

The deceased has signed the will while he is hospitalized and the deceased. The consciousness is complete and has been signed consciously. The deceased saw the will and knew that it was a sign of the will. Wills indicate location does not match the actual location. The date of the testament does not correspond to the date of the actual year. The message appears when the dead sign. Even the defendant will be prepared to hold that it is not a forgery. And the signature of the deceased can not be held that the defendant cheat to make a will. The defendants were not eliminated by the inheritance lawsuit.

The plaintiff sued the mortgagee. The Court of Appeals has ordered the revocation of the mortgagor's injunctive relief. This is not the case in the case of prohibited under Section 145 of the Act.

Defendants are the legatees of the deceased by the court order. Even the defendant will transfer their land and then mortgage it to a third party as a transfer. Will the defendant understand that complete. And it does not appear that the defendant is acting improperly as a trustee or a trustee. Because the defendant will have the right to manage the inheritance in accordance with Section 1719 of the plaintiff has no right to prohibit the defendant to interfere with the estate of the deceased.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1216/2540.
The testamentary witness will sign the testimony in the presence of three witnesses. The three witnesses will sign the testimony of the testimony. Must be in accordance with the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656. Even without the signature of the authors under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1671, but the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1705 is not required to be invalidated, so the will is disputed law. No law stipulates that if the beneficiary is present at the time of making the will, it will be effective. The will is void. Sinus Property There are times when the MPs have the power to raise their own sins to any person. According to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1481.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 40/2539.
The defendant is not a witness in the testament that the defendant signed a fingerprint testimony. Wills do not have a signed testamentary testament. Land testament to the defendant void.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2307/2539.
While the inheritance is written testament to the estate to the defendant is controlled. I told them to write the inheritance is not complete, the testament to the loss. No, according to Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1704, paragraph two.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1905/2538.
The two defendants and their descendants are the descendants of MPs. When both MPs died and the other heirs made a letter of consent to the defendant. Later, the defendant entered into a contract to buy land to sell the land dispute. Both the plaintiff and the plaintiff, both the claimant and the other heir. The objection is that all heirs, including both, agree. The defendant entered into a contract and each of the defendants represented the defendant even when the defendant contracted. The defendant was not appointed by the court to be a manager. Such a contract will be binding on both parties to transfer the sale. Land disputes only their own to the plaintiff.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2460/2538.
The plaintiff sued the defendant to separate and sign the plaintiff in the deed of the estate of the person. The death of the plaintiff as the estate manager of the deceased according to the will. Do not sue the heirs request to divide the inheritance to the heir. Will legate inheritors exist? This is not a dispute in the case. And even if the testament is intangible, it only results in the The will to inherit the person named in the will. The requirements for a person to inherit the inheritance. I have not. When the defendant is the deed of the land. The plaintiff as the estate manager will be entitled to separate and enter the name. In the deed as the estate manager of the deceased.

The plaintiff as a trustee filed for the three defendants handed over the title deed is a lawsuit to remove the suffering can not calculate the price. The Court of First Instance set the attorney fees higher than the rate prescribed in Table 6 of the attorney's fees. The Supreme Court ruled that it was appropriate to revise the law.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 6595/2538.
Wills do not date the year in the testament do not do as prescribed by law. The void under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1705, the inheritance of the deceased is the death of the heirs of the dead. Will testify When the facts appear. Father of Opposition 1 is the child of the deceased, dies before the deceased. The first objection is to inherit the property. It is a stakeholder. There is a right to request a deceased inheritor under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1711 and 1713, so when the court ordered the appointment of the first objection to the estate of the deceased. The fact is that the owner of the inheritance has made a legacy of inheritance to the second defendant, but there is no reason for the court to order the revocation of the first objection to the estate of the deceased under the Civil Code. And Commercial Section 1727

Judgment of the Supreme Court 5521/2538.
The plaintiff disputes the land to the defendant by the affair with a verbal agreement that it is prohibited. Defendant 1 brought the land dispute to sell the following defendant sold 1,000 disputed land. In 1,064 parts to the second defendant at a price of 500,000 baht, registered to the second defendant. The ownership of such land is as follows. Real estate, but the plaintiff did not make a book and registered with the staff. It also does not determine the person who will be the recipient of the property when it is. Violation of the terms of the transfer will not affect the Code. Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1700 and 1702, the defendant has the power to sell the land disputes. The defendant 2.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1466/2537.
The will of the petitioner and the deceased together in a single version, the essence of the will testament (a) is the case where the petitioner with the deceased. If one of the dead or the dead. The property of the deceased before the personal property of the person doing. The will is living solely and exclusively as a righteous person. Collect, maintain, distribute, or share And raise such property to any person as the willful living person deems fit under the terms set out in (b), the applicant and the deceased are intending to raise the property for another One Which one died before? The only condition for the willer to dispose of the property. The will to the person as stated in (b). Case that the conditions are not in accordance with the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1707. The will of the deceased to raise property to the claimant is still applicable, not the case that the living testator will determine the property. To the heirs, much less according to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1706 (3), however, the applicant and the deceased will do the will. The same They raise their property to each other. The testament to this has been made a month-long letter while making up. And the testator shall sign the testimony in the presence of at least two witnesses. Two witnesses have signed the testimony at the time. The testament to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656, although the petitioner with the deceased will do testament in the same document, it is not wrong but. It is not a gambling game because it is a show of intent. Her own inheritance or in any way that would be enforceable by law when either party dies before the time of Section 1646, the person who will be the author or witness of the testament, the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1671. The person must sign his or her identity as the author or witness. Therefore, when the applicant signs as the testator, there is no message as a witness. It will be treated as a witness in the testament. The will is void because the claimant will testify in the will.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 2460/2538.
The plaintiff sued the defendant to separate and sign the plaintiff in the deed of the estate of the person. The death of the plaintiff as the estate manager of the deceased according to the will. Do not sue the heirs request to divide the inheritance to the heir. Will legate inheritors exist? This is not a dispute in the case. And even if the testament is intangible, it only results in the The will to inherit the person named in the will. The requirements for a person to inherit the inheritance. I have not. When the defendant is the deed of the land. The plaintiff as the estate manager will be entitled to separate and enter the name. In the deed as the estate manager of the deceased.

The plaintiff as a trustee filed for the three defendants handed over the title deed is a lawsuit to remove the suffering can not calculate the price. The Court of First Instance set the attorney fees higher than the rate prescribed in Table 6 of the attorney's fees. The Supreme Court ruled that it was appropriate to revise the law.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 6595/2538.
Wills do not date the year in the testament do not do as prescribed by law. The void under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1705, the inheritance of the deceased is the death of the heirs of the dead. Will testify When the facts appear. Father of Opposition 1 is the child of the deceased, dies before the deceased. The first objection is to inherit the property. It is a stakeholder. There is a right to request a deceased inheritor under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1711 and 1713, so when the court ordered the appointment of the first objection to the estate of the deceased. The fact is that the owner of the inheritance has made a legacy of inheritance to the second defendant, but there is no reason for the court to order the revocation of the first objection to the estate of the deceased under the Civil Code. And Commercial Section 1727

Judgment of the Supreme Court 5521/2538.
The plaintiff disputes the land to the defendant by the affair with a verbal agreement that it is prohibited. Defendant 1 brought the land dispute to sell the following defendant sold 1,000 disputed land. In 1,064 parts to the second defendant at a price of 500,000 baht, registered to the second defendant. The ownership of such land is as follows. Real estate, but the plaintiff did not make a book and registered with the staff. It also does not determine the person who will be the recipient of the property when it is. Violation of the terms of the transfer will not affect the Code. Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1700 and 1702, the defendant has the power to sell the land disputes. The defendant 2.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 4338/2531.
The five plaintiffs as the heirs sued the two defendants, the estate and property management. Legacy to replace another heir. Divide the inheritance The lawsuit is over 1 year since the death of her husband. Both defendants will expire under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1754 is not enforceable.

The plaintiff has filed a complaint to divide the merit made in the inheritance of the third plaintiff sued the plaintiff sued the plaintiff has filed a lawsuit. The four plaintiffs have previously appealed to the court to revoke the two defendants as the plaintiff's estate manager. Both defendants and the defendant as a trustee has sued the plaintiff 5 times out of the land plots. The plaintiffs of the inheritance are void, so that the plaintiffs 2, 3, 4 and 5, both defendants in this case, the will of the inheritance is null and void. The inheritance falls, the heirs are not recaptured.

The will to set black property to the name. Hold shares in the company Each person has an average number of shares. The inheritance is also a shareholder in the company. The testament is that the testamentary will be determined by the list. A shareholder in a company that is present while the testator is dead. This will be considered by the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1646. Not all void. It appears that the inheritance is a shareholder in the company. It is equivalent to inheritance to give property to them. It is not a requirement that the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1599 and Section 1646, have no effect on inheritance, only the testamentary part will not be handed down to the heirs.

A will, which has the message to the trustee and the person. The inheritance shares will be transferred according to the inheritance of the inheritance to the capital increase of the company according to the ratio of the existing shares. It is a condition that the will acquires the property given by the will to another person. According to the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1707 is not deemed to be a condition without a testamentary do not have to comply with the conditions.

The will to transfer shares in the inheritance. Enter the name of the trustee. To receive dividends from the company. To make merit. And support your unnamed children in that company. It is not a matter of setting up a guardian and not a founding trust. Because the testator is not a minor or an incompetent person. And no property to the estate manager. It is a requirement that the property provided by the testament is not clearly stated. Maybe to know for sure. The inheritance of the inheritor is a legacy. How much is the mind of the estate manager? This provision is void under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1706 (3)

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3293/2525.
The plaintiff sued while making a testament. The testament to sickness until unconscious. No intention to make a will. The will is void. The lawsuit has been filed with the will of the testamentary deceiver was done fraudulently, fraudulently or intimidated. The age of compliance with the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1710 is not enforceable by the defendant.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 3175/2522.
The testator has made a will to raise or donate the land together with the building. The inheritance to the defendant. But there are prohibitions against the defendant to transfer, sell or dispose of such property. And the income from the property is divided to the plaintiff and other persons. This type of escrow is characterized by the ownership of the defendant. Hold or occupy the property instead of the beneficiary according to the will. The will is not a trust.

The testament to the defendant's payment to the plaintiff is monthly only. I am in need of help. It is prohibited to transfer, sell or sell. Which is prohibited by the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1700, so it is equal to the defendant in accordance with the will. The will to the defendant to pay the plaintiff by the transfer or disposal of property. No legal effect.

Judgment of the Supreme Court 996/2521.
Wills require that the estate manager sell the property in cash. And to pay for the funeral of the first. If there is still money left. Let the manager allocate merit. Or donated to any institution or place or charitable cause by the trustee, the donation to the institution or place or charitable cause. It is considered that the merits of the said message to be limited. Of course, it must be dedicated to charity only. It will be given to a particular person, or not for the charity of the estate manager. Specifically, it is a specific institution, institution, or charitable organization. Therefore, the requirements of the will is considered to be a person who may know the course is not invalid under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1706 (2)

The testament is that. Let the manager take the cash left over from the funeral. Granted to the institution or place or charity for which the trustee deems appropriate. It is not a matter of how much the inheritance is set by the estate manager. It is not invalid under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1706 (3)

Judgment of the Supreme Court 1699/2515.
The monarchy of the monarchy has legal effect. If you do not have his Majesty's own authority or any other absolute power, cancel. Revocation of the royal command is still effective. (Cited above, 681/2481)

The inheritance was made in 1917, and the monarchy of the monarchy was endorsed. The will is as valid as the will was done by the Emergency Decree. All rights reserved. The judge is not allowed to file a lawsuit against the property. The inheritance of the will. The will is governed by applicable law. The will is forever. The court will judge the relevance of the inheritance of the inheritance. Wills are not available to the royal command.

The testament to which the royal commandment has already been given is that the stated land. The inheritance is always the property of the inheritance, and the caretaker of the land. It is a residence for relatives who can not find a residence, but the owner does not own the property if it is necessary to sell or exchange the land with the wishes of the government. The king gave the manager (inheritance) to take the money and buy elsewhere. The best way to do this is to do the will. When the estate manager to sell the land, it is obligatory to bring money to buy. New to the relatives of the inheritance to live in accordance with the requirements of the will. The proceeds from the sale of the land will be distributed to the heirs in order to procure new addresses. I have not found it because it is equivalent to holding that the heir who received the money is divided. Ownership of ownership of the land. The land designated as a testament to the relatives of the family has to dissolve, even with the intention of dividing the heir to buy new housing itself. Newly purchased land is not changed for the relatives. But it is the ownership of the heirs of each buyer, who has the power to destroy the heirs. Or other relatives To live in conflict with the requirements of the will.

The trustee sells the land as specified in the will and must take the proceeds of the sale. Buy a place and manage to meet that desire to find a replacement. The land is sold to which the trustee is obliged to comply. In the testament, which is still in force, it is the establishment of a new trust. Now, beyond the requirements of the will. The Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1686, is not applicable to this case.

The message in the testament. The land designated as relatives of the place. The inheritance is intended to provide the land for the relatives. The homeless will be used as the next residence, which means both relatives. In the past, the inheritance passed and the birth in the future. It is not intended for anyone to own the land. In order not to conflict with the law on ownership and inheritance and to be enforceable, the inheritance has made a will to meet the request to the Royal Command. To be effective all the time, the plaintiff is a great-grandson of the inheritance, even after birth. The inheritance is gone, then the plaintiff is a relative who will receive. The benefits of living in the land as prescribed in the will. The plaintiff has the power to sue the estate manager not to inherit the will. To treat the plaintiff as a relative who may be damaged. From the actions of the trustee.
(Diagnosed at the 11-16 / 1972 General Assembly)

Judgment of the Supreme Court 184/2502.
The will is to order the inheritance to fall, including all the sons. The law prohibits the separation of this property is not a violation of the law is not enforceable. The owner of the property is entitled to use. Sell ​​and share the property. The Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1336 and 1363, do not lose the whole.

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